
Amaara Farms Claimed

Wedding Venues

A perfect blend of indoor and outdoor spaces, the Amaara Farms makes for a breathtaking venue for couples to host their big day as well as the functions surrounding it. Located on the Chattarpur Main Road, the lush lawn stretches out to create a sprawling address in the capital and the tastefully designed environs speak of grace and sophistication. Be it the serene visage of the Buddha in a meditative stance or the elegant and spacious ballroom, the property displays several captivating features.

The team believes in customizing the spaces differently for each of the weddings and celebrations hosted there in order to create for their clients’ memories that are uniquely theirs. Whether it is a life-size installation, a large marquee tent, or a grand stags, the versatile venue lets you paint your own canvas every single time. While they do offer decor solutions by their in-house team, they are also happy to work with other decorators if the couple prefers so.

About WeddingPullav

Now that you've made the decision to tie the knot, one of the most crucial tasks is to finalize the wedding venue. Whether you're planning a hometown celebration or a destination wedding in India or abroad, booking the perfect venue should be at the top of your priority list, especially during the busy wedding season.

Navigating through the multitude of options available can be overwhelming, but fear not! At WeddingPullav, we're here to help you select the ideal wedding venue that aligns with your vision, preferred location, and budget. Classified under the category of WeddingPullav Favorites, our carefully curated list of options will guide you in choosing the perfect venue for your special day.


  1. How can I compare different wedding venues and their services? You can explore the various wedding venues listed in our WeddingPullav Favorite Wedding Venues section. Take your time to research the diverse indoor and outdoor event spaces offered by each venue, consider the experience of their staff, check for parking availability, and inquire about permissions for serving alcohol, playing loud music, and other relevant details.

  2. Where can I find a list of the best local and international wedding venues? Our curated compilation of WeddingPullav Favorite Wedding Venues is specifically designed to assist you in finding the best service providers in both local and international destinations, all conveniently located under one roof.

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